Sunday, August 2, 2009

My new born Puppy..(I need a religious name)?

My Doxin gave birth to four cute puppies today. However the runt of the litter and the only girl, is having some complications, she was neglected from my dog and is having trouble feeding so I figured I would have to nurse her myself and in the process I noticed that where her embilical cord should be, there is a small cut where it ripped. So she's basically on her own to heal.! I haven't found the right name for her I'm looking for somthing religious only because I think she's going to make it alright..and if you can help me out with any remedies on how to keep her alive..i'd appriciate that too..THANKS.--
The puppy needs a Vet to stitch the navel closed! She will herniate I'm afraid because the navel ring has been bisected in tearing-so her intestines can pop into the hole that should have closed (the inguinal canal will be open and a loop of her intestines can slip in the hole become entrapped swell and burst)Anything you put on her, the Momma dog is going to take off! I'm afraid your going to have to see how it goes--the navel tear needs at least a "butterfly bandage" to seal it shut. However a stitch is best to close the inside hole in the wall! If Mom leaves your bandage alone and still cares for her (licking genitals so she can pee and poop) (the mom has too or the pup cannot defecate)So hopefully Mom will ignore the bandage so the umbilicus can heal. Call her "Talitha" like the girl Jesus said " Talitha Koum= little girl arise" and she, the child who the people said was dead sat up as if waking from sleep, Jesus told the parents to feed her! Jesus had resurrected her! Mark 5:39-43 and Mathew 9:24 Good Luck!
sarah, leah (ley-ah), rachel, wisdom, faith, rebecca, myriam,
eve... the only one that comes to mind. (Just found out my sister is going to name her baby girl evette when he is born!)
Name her Gracie, because she is going to need a saving grace.

When you feed her, don't forget to rub her tummy lightly with a warm washcloth. That is VERY important
What about .Angel or Faith?
NO no no, do not leave that umbilical cord to its own demise. Treat it with iodine. If you leave it she can and probably will get an infection and that is the last you want one and the worst for a weak animal to try to fight. Call her Rachel, Claudia, Delilah, Dealiah, Liah, Lidiah.

Don't use neosporin, its not going to be strong enough. Go to walmart and get iodine. Just becareful not to ingest it or let the animals ingest it.
How about Rachel;, Hannah, Rebekah, Eve, Sarah, Ruth, Esther, Pricilla, Mary, Tabitha, or Delilah,
Hope, Mary, Eve, Eden
Shiloh or Olive or Naomi
how about jesus christ and that way every time you stub your toe she'll come running and as far as the health issues go head to the vet
Remedies to keep her alive? Complications are what?? Neglect, and she can't eat or your b*tch won't feed her?? Did you give her a good chance? Odds are, unless your b*tch is too young?? That if you keep putting that puppy back on a n*pple, that mom will give up and let her feed.

On her own to heal? That doesn't sound like something a responsible breeder would say..

Here's what I get from your post..

You bred your dog, you had 4 puppies, one is having trouble, and even tho you took on this responsibility, you have decided that you'll do as little as possible.. Home Remedy if available, otherwise the little thing is on her own, suck it up baby, live or die, I am not helping you out if it is going to cause me to do any work.. And to heck with you little suffering puppy, I will not be taking you to the vet.. So I'll be naming you something religious so If you drop dead from neglect, I won't feel so bad about it.
Mozest after the man who saved the Jews from Egypt and walked across the red sea
You could name her Faith ,since you have Faith she will be ok by Gods grace .Or how about Grace or Gracie .And ,there is always Mercy :) Good luck to you !
Congrats on the new pups. I hope the little one will be okay. You can cll her Hope, Faith
How about Lillith, the sexual temptation for adam in the garden of eden, he resisted her and came out alright from that encounter, eve was the one who flopped with the apple.
First of all i would take her to the vets for a check up to make sure she is ok!

As others have mentioned for, grace, hope...can't think of any more.

Good luck!

****Thought of another name while i was out walking my dog "Gloria"****
cant help with any suggestions though
mira or myra (short for miracal?)
lucky lucy
When I have a puppy who has trials ahead, I name it Blessing! It reminds me that every day that it lives is a blessing..So far, all of my 'Blessings' have made it!
Here are a few names you may like: Angel, Abigail, Delilah, Trinity, Leah, Hannah, Tabitha, Sarah, Hope, Faith, Grace or Gracie, Rebecca, Mary, Eve, and Shiloh. Hope this helps! Good Luck with your new little one. I hope all goes well!

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