Sunday, August 2, 2009

My new puppy?

i got a king charles/cocker spaniel cross puppy last week and shes good enough but lately shes wont stop biting peoples feet or biting my shoes when im walking and its making my younger siblings terrified of her.also shes nearly house trained but every night she does about 5 or 6 poos which i have to clean up first thing in the morning,not very nice!im not sure how to train her to stop going at night or biting people.
Well you have a small do so they are easy to train.

For the biting problem you have to get a water spray bottle, Create the action that causes the behaviour, when she bites squirt her with the water and say 'NO!' Don't use her name that will only confuse her. (this tells the dog her behaviour is bad).

Before you go to bed take her for a very long walk, and make sure she gets 'pooped out' (bet you didn't know where that came from) Then feed her and go to bed (one feeding per day) First thing in the morning take her out 'to get it out' (don't forget to praise her for a job well done). Dogs have an 8 hour digestive system so no more poo for you, if you follow my instructions.
Ewwwww dutty little dogs pooing everywhere, women?
For the biting u can either grab her by the snout and hold her mouth shut and tell her NO! loudly. Or get something called "biter apple" and when she bites spray it and she'll get surprised. It always works.
start crate trainging her now. Always put her away when people are there...She needs to know she has a time out space when she is in trouble.
about biting people...
they are teething like babies do so make sure you give them lots of toys! They bite because they don't feel confortable while their baby teeth are coming out...just like a baby
I have a sheperd mix and she does the same thing.its just a phase that all dogs go through.
You need to get her a crate and keep her in it over night. Dogs naturally don't want to go where they sleep. This teaches her to "hold it" until morning.

there's a reason you should not allow this behavior any more. Here's how to stop a puppy's nipping and biting...

While all puppies nibble and bite on your hands, your ankles, and everything else they can get their mouth on, you should not permit this behavior with you (or other people) for this one reason:

Biting says, "I'm more dominant than you."

Biting at a person's hand is the puppy's way of testing their dominance in the pack. (Yes, you are part of his "pack" now.)

Since there should never be any question that YOU are the Alpha dog, from this day forward you must never allow a puppy to nibble or bite at your hands (or feet).

How To Stop The Nipping

To break a puppy from nipping or biting:

Use your thumb and forefinger to roll the puppy's top lips under his teeth so that he bites down on them.
The puppy will whimper after he's bit his lip.
At the same time, you should adamantly say "NO!".
The trick is consistency. From this point forward, you should never let your puppy mouth on peoples' hands or nip at any other person from now on.

...It won't take long before puppy gets the message!
5-6 poops at night---wow!---if you are feeding her at night stop and take all water away after 8pm---if this doesn't help take her to a vet---this is not normal---a dog may poop 3 times a day roughly
for the biting maybe the pup is teething---try doggie teething ice rings, hard chew toys etc. and also try using the anti=chew spray (taste bitter to dogs) and spraying it on the areas the dog chews (the spray can be purchased at places like petco and petsmart)
well first off if she is biting everytime she goes to bite. give her a nice little and about the pooing at night. evrytime she goes and you find it in the morning. take her over to it, and disapline her. and then when she has to go. put her outside.
Look up "crate training" with regard to the bathroom issues.
It is the process of teaching a dog to go into its crate on command and to be comfortable there while enclosed. Dogs, like all canines, are den-dwelling animals by instinct and a crate becomes a den substitute, providing a familiar and safe haven for the dog. A crate-trained dog benefits the dog and the dog's owner in a number of ways. A dog typically will not use the bathroom in its own crate and will learn to "go" where it is appropriate- for instance, outside.

As for the biting, you have to be diligent in telling the dog "no" and never letting him/her chew human articles or body parts. Diligence is the key. Be stern.

Good luck.
Well first off, when she bits say "No!" and give her a tap on her mouth. For the pooing problem. Get a cage and put her in the cage everynight and when you go out. So if she goes to the bathroom it's in one area. Also get up half way through your sleep to let her go to the bathroom. Also let her out a half hour after every meal, and let her out every 2 hours... I did this with my puppy, and he's a great dog!
dont let her watch T.V, by watching bad channels, she is behaving like this.
When she bites, just say "no" firmly. "Hey," "stop it" and the like work too. She'll figure out that you don't like it. Of course, give her toys. With pooping, that may be something you have to deal with. Crate training will help get her on a schedule, but you can't force her to hold her bowels at night. When you gotta go, you gotta go...

EDIT: Puppies can hold it for less time than adult dogs, so patience is a virtue here. Praise her a LOT when she poops when/where you want her to, and don't ever try to show her something she did and punish her. You have to catch her in the act.
Try and not feed her after 7.30/8.00pm at night depending on what time you go to bed. Also take her out for a 10 minute walk even if its in the garden just before you go to bed and keep repeating the word you use for her to go to the tiolet (ie I use hurry up for my boys when I was training mine) My dogs also sleep in crates and they tend not to poo in there own bed, some people do not agree with them but I swear by the crate training. Every night when I say bed time they automatically just go and get into the crate and they know it is time to go to sleep.
With regards to the biting I did not have this problem with my boys but I did have problems with barking so I put a few stones into a coke bottle and everytime they barked unnecessarily I shook it above there head and said no. Now they only tend to bark when they are telling me someone is at the door or at the back garden.

I hope this helps keep persevering the puppy is only pushing boundaries at the moment. Keep showing him that you are top dog not him
I have a king charles too. She's teething, hence her tendency to bite is strong... Give her lots of chew toys to distract her. Whenever she does bite, smack her lightly on her muzzle and give a firm 'NO BITING' and give her a chew toy instead. Praise her when she starts chewin on her toy and nt at your ankles/shoes. She'll soon learn that biting people's feet and shoes are a NONO.

You could try taking your dog for a walk right after her last meal of the day to allow her to relieve herself. After a while, she'll get used to the routine of pooing OUTSIDE the house. Just to let you know, puppies have the tendency to have weak bowel system. Wouldn last for long. Diet do play a part too. Would be good to keep strictly to dry dog food (healthier) . Refrain from feeding it with human food when its still a pup. Might trigger off some diahorrea symtoms in the dog.
the reason she's biting is probably because she's teething so get a chew toy and when she starts biting give her it then walk away slowly and don't run. As for the poop at night lock her up somewhere like the garage or laundry room sure she might bark a little but after a while she'll stop. In the morning the first person up should feed her then put her outside then after she has done her business bring her back inside. Also let her out before yall go to bed so she is sure not to poop at all! Keep doing this procedure every night , but also make sure you put her in the same place every time. That place will become their general area and dogs don't uranate in their area. After a couple of weeks she should be broken of the habbit but keep doing that same thing every night and morning or she will just go back into the habbit again.
Puppy's like to play just like children and when we train our children to something we do the same for the puppy speak a firm tone of voice and and say stop. Also tell your children to do the same.. Be sure to point at the pup if you have to he thinks he is playing. Puppys grow fast and need the training you give him. Kids need to help train him. Let the pup know you are the boss not it. If this does not work then use the ruff sound in your voice and touch the puppy not hit but touch him like hold him still and say NO! or STOP! it takes time and practice when the puppy sees the kids run and cry or laugh it gets him excited and thinks well this is all right. It does need to stop. as far as the wetting in the floor I take up the food before to late and take out to walk or in the back yard before going to bed and let out first thing in the morning also. Praise hime when he does it outside by good dog and pet him . or scarch him just enough to let him know that is good. You can also asigned the kids a job to do to help with the dog by letting outside and choires for if they are to have a pet they are to help to... hope this helps some .. have a good day. Oh Yes Watch dog wisperior on tv and the internet. GREAT SHOW AND HELPS WITH DOG OWNERS.. YOU LEARN ALOT FROM HIM...YOU ARE THE LEADER...SMILE

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