Sunday, August 2, 2009

My old dog (again)?

So I just asked a question about him but im worried again! So he is over 15. We just recently started getting boxes to move. I walked into the dark room and found him sitting in the middle of all the boxes wagging his tail. What was this all about? He has been through several moves with us and goes traveling w/ us for weeks at a time so its nothing new. Is this just another sign of his mind "going" for lack of a better term? He forgets when he eats and refuses to leave my side...Please help!! Im worried about my old guy!
Well he is an "old guy"..He is like 105 years old in our years.
Remember there are 7 years to our 1 year. They get very "clingy" as they get older, and yes they do some strange things as well sometimes. If you are concerned about him, please take him to the vet and get him checked out!!
maybe youre dog is getting old and is tired doing something or moving around too much . well if youre dog tail is stil wagging and barkin maybe he just playing with you just beingin happy to found home in there.
He is insecure. He is worried you will leave him. Be nice to him and hug him a lot and pet him. Let him stay close to you to comfort him.
i would schedule an appointment with the vet so all your questions will be answered and maybe they can tell you if anything is wrong. good luck!
It's hard to say why... Dogs can have so many weird reasons why they do things. My dog sometimes lays on the tile of the bathroom floor when it's hot, because it keeps her cool. My other dog lays on the kitchen floor when he does't feel well. It's so hard to say. Perhaps you should take him to the vet, they can run few tests and see if there may be a physical reason. Maybe the vet can give him something to help.
My dog is l3, he is always tired and insecure, he likes tailing me everywhere inside my house, but i understand him, so i allowed him that way, what i really observed my dog is he is always terrified to loud sound, he doesn't like being left alone,So as the dog owner, i tend to show more care and love this time that he is old, just let him feel that even if he is old, we will not abandon him.
Your animal knows something is up.You stated he has been through several moves before.
How do you know he forgets when he eats?
He is either hungry or not.
Eating extra could be boredom or anxiety.
Lack of appetite could have to do with age,health or the activity of yet another move.
When animals look for dark places, in some cases they are not feeling well %26 may warrant a vet exam.Refusing to leave your side may be anxiety or he is efforting to tell you something may be wrong.Consider a check up and also extra attention to assure him all is okay.
Dogs can sense things from you. He knows whats going on because he sees boxes. Just love on him and let him know its okay.
But i agree with others if your old dog is acting noticeable different to you take him to the vet to be checked out again, it can maybe give you peace of mine
I have an 11 yr old lab, so I understand the worrying. I think the fact that he was sitting and wagging his tail is a good thing. He was alert enough to see that something new was going on, probably smelling the boxes, and was just exploring! I will tell you this, if he is having trouble with arthritis, or just seeming not to want to be as mobile as he use to be, we were recently told to give our old girl..Ascription every other day! She seems to feel better all the way around, much more active within 48 hours of her first pill! It is basically aspirin, coated with Imodium, so that it won't hurt the tummy. The friend that told me that was a vet... so I trust the advise.
I know your worried, because we know the life expectancy for our friends... but enjoy him... his tail is wagging, so he is enjoying!
Good luck to you!
I suggest you visit and consult a breed expert for free
Some vets will make house calls may want to check around for one that does, the smells at the vets office tends to be what triggers there memories of being left there for a procedure rather than being fearful of the vet himself,

As for menta fuction there is prescription drug treatment treatment for
Ive met people younger than him (his age in dog years) who do alot of stranger things.. I would think maybe he felt like he was being ignored while you were moving, and figured you needed a break to give him some good petting on.

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