Friday, May 21, 2010

My pug is due in 2 weeks . but she does not want to eat much. she is not very fat yet. vet says she is ok

shouldnt she be showing more signs of pregnancy by says this is the time most changes begin to show besides the milk of coarse.
Some dogs hide their puppies more than others - depends on how they carry them. Also on how many puppies there are. If your vet says she's healthy, don't worry about her. You should probably be letting her eat as much as she wants now and while she's nursing because the pups will be draining everything out of her.
She may not be carring that many pups either. If she has only a few 2 or 3 then she may not show that much.
If your really worried then have he checked again and have either an x-ray or sonogram done to see how many pups she is carring.
that is a normal sign
They do tend to eat smaller meals more often, just like they'll drink smaller amounts more often, and then need to pee more often.. They are full inside and things are pressing against organs that she isn't used to and will feel strange.
You'll likely see more in the next week. She is maybe only carrying one or two pups.

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