Friday, May 21, 2010

My puppy (yorkshire tarrier) accidentaly ate my older dog's thyroid medicine (thyroxine L). Will he be okay?

NO! Especially if the older dog is much bigger. If it JUST happened, you need to make the dog vomit. Call an emergency clinic NOW.
you should be on the phone to your vet , not on a web site !
It depends on the dosage. if your older dog is big, the dosage is probably too much for your puppy. Call your vet.
Call the vet!! It doesn't cost anything to call the vet. They will be the only one who can tell you.
Please don't take any chances! Get that baby to a vet! It may cost a lot but it is better than a broken heart...
It's not toxic, but it will throw your pup out of whack. Give him a half teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide so he will vomit it. If he doesn't, call your vet and make sure the dosage he got doesn't need to be reversed.
NO!!! PLEASE PLEASE take him to the vet!!! Thanks and goodluck to you and your lil boy!!
You need to get the puppy to throw up. Being that its a small breed puppy odds are the dosage of the levothyroxine is extremely too high. It could cause hyperthyroidism or it could possibly become toxic. You should contact an emergency vet immediately.

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