Friday, May 21, 2010

My pug "sucks" in his sleep?

My pug looks like he's sucking in his sleep sometimes. He's only 11 wks old and hasn't been away from his mom that long. Is he looking for a nipple? should i be giving him something to suck on?
He's dreaming that he's eating. Human babies do this too.
No need for a pacifier.
No don't give him anything to suck on...He has only been alive a short time, not much life experience.. When he dreams about things he knows, sucking and the comfort of mom are the things he knows best. Puppies do that.. It makes them comfortable and sleep peacefully.. Be happy he doesn't suck blankets and stuff..
He's just making himself commfy. Kind of like a baby sucking on their finger. Don't give him anything to suck on because he could choke on it. Good luck
My dachshund still does this and she's 4! I'm sure she's dreaming about food. I think she may not have been fed enough as a puppy because she has some food issues.

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