Friday, May 21, 2010

My Pup has Parvo and I need real answers, not hopeful statistics. Can she get through this?

I was up all night last night at the emergency clinic and was given the horrible news that Emma my female 7 week old aussie pup has Parvo. They beat around the bush about percentages and maybes, I need truth and consistancy with answers. Does she have a chance?

Also her brother Oliver has lived with her and shows no signs of the virus. What are the chances he will get it? How do I disinfect my house? Is it true this virus lasts 6 to 8 months of surfaces?

I am worried and Id like to hear from people who have dealt with this not a vet telling me maybe. Thanks in advance, I appreciate everyones input.

Missing my pups already
Survival is based upon the length of time until treatment, the dog's condition(weight,other illnesses) . If you got treatment soon enough and your pup was healthy before this then your pup may survive.
Once symtpoms appear, treatment should be sought within 12 hours for the best chance at recovery. Within 36 hours, a dog will be dead.
The incubation period is 7-10 days, so I am sorry to say, you are not out of the woods with the other pup. You need to watch closely.. if they show any diarrhea, vomiting, lethargy get them to the vet ASAP.Even if the parvo test is neg. you should continue to monitor closely. A pup may test neg. one day and 2 days later become sick with the virus.

Parvo can survive for one year or more in the ground. So, if your pup was inside, you should bleach everything that you can with a solution of 1 cup bleach per 1 gallon of water. Also, everything that you can't bleach should be thoroughly cleaned with Clorhexidine solution.(you can buy that by the gallon at Tractor Supply, or ask your vet) Lysol will NOT kill parvo-virus,.
make sure you even bleach the bottom of your shoes and wash your hands with a bleach solution before handling the other pup.

Also, Keep your dogs separated for at least one month after a sucessful treatment to avoid recontamination to the treated pup.
Be sure to get the pups their shots as soon as possible.(usually 1 month after a full recovery from parvo) But, be forewarned that there is a new strain of parvo that is resistant to the vaccines. That could be why your pup got sick in the first place. Usually a puppy has immunities from the mother until 8-9 weeks. If you got the pup from a breeder, you need to let them know.

One of our 6 month old pups had parvo and was treated within 6 hours of noticable symptoms. He was given a 75% chance of survival and he is just fine. However, one of our older dogs was only given a 30% chance and didn't make it. And another was too far gone and put down upon arrival at the vet. (even though it was within a few hours of onset)

Good Luck!
With proper treatment, she has a very good chance. My dog got parvo at about 14 weeks old. He was on IV fluids and antibiotics for a couple days.

Parvo does not kill a dog directly. Dehydration and secondary infections do. The IV fluids keep the dehydradation away and the antibiotics will help stop other infections. She will be weak for a while but the odds are in her favor if you have her at a good vet.
I'm so sorry. Get Oliver into the vet right away.
Bleach EVERYTHING that can be bleached. Even your dishes. Clean your house as hard as you can, but remember that parvo can live outside (in the dirt) for years.
7 weeks is young for pups to leave home. If you're not the breeder, contact the breeder and make sure she knows, and that everyone else that bought a pup from her knows. Or if you, god forbid, bought them at a pet store-never do that again. Buying from a petstore is asking for problems like this.
I worked at a shelter where a parvo-positive pup came in and wiped out 11 dogs. It's nasty.
you named them oliver and emma. what else do u expect outta them, besides death? there both gonna die, buddy.
I had a couple rotties that had parvo and they did come through it. Stayed at the vets office for a week with IV's running through them but they did make it. Once at home had to cook hamburger and rice for a while. My vet told me that Parvo was 10 times worse than the worst stomach virus I could imagine. Just get them to the VET immediately.
the first 3-4 days are the most important there is no definite answers its a waiting game. If you get Oliver vaccinated straight away he should be OK against the virus. Use a strong bleach to water solution to kill the virus. I hope Emma will pull through. The website below is really good and will give you all the info. let us know how she is.
I've heard of dogs pulling through it but most often I hear that the puppies have died. Don't let go of the hope though. Your puppy may be one to get through it. She is wear she needs to be to get better and the vet will do all that they can to keep her alive. The chances of your other pup getting it are pretty good. Parvo is as contagious as the flu is to people. Yeah, it lasts around the house for along time. Bleach as much as you can to get ride of it. No one can tell you for sure if she will make it but the chances are like 40:60. Hope I helped.
I had a German Sheppard/Labrador who got Parvo.He survived it. Usually with Parvo if the dog is very small it can die overnight. The fact that your dog is already in the hospital gives it a good chance to survive. My dog...I woke up one morning and my husband told me that there was something wrong with the dog. He would not even acknowledge my husband...I went to the backyard and called him...he opened his eyes and tried to stand up ...just to slide right back to the ground.I carried that huge dog, put him in the car and drove him straight to the hospital...they kept him for three days with an IV drip.but he survived. Thank God... It is very hard to see anything or anyone you love go through an illness and all I can say is Keep Your Hopes Up and hopefully your dog will be one of the ones that makes it. By the way, I had two other dogs at the time and they never got it.I never did anything to disinfect anything in my house. But here are a couple of websites with information about the virus...Hope it helps.

Wishing your puppies health.
Split them from the rest of the dogs and each other immediately.

This is a brilliant resource with very useful information there.
I'm sorry to hear about your dog, but there is a good chance they'll make it!
Clean everything very well with diluted bleach to kill the virus. The chances the other pup are very high.

Your vet did the best she could by telling you "maybe." Most puppies and kittens with parvo do die. The most you can really do is keep her hydrated by syringe feeding her water and pedialyte.

Some people have had pups make it through, but that does not mean yours will. My sister and her fiance took in a litter of stray pups (6) with their mama, and 5 out of the 6 died from parvo. Only one was able to make it, and that was with vet help, disinfecting surfaces, etc.

Parvo is highly contagious and very deadly.

I am hoping for the best that both of your pups will be happy and healthy.

For now, keep the other pup separated from the sick one, and do NOT let him go near anything she has touched, walked on, etc. Your best bet is to confine her to a crate and take her outside to a specific spot for her to potty. Poor diluted bleach on the potty spot (after picking up any poop) to disinfect the area.

You also need to contact whoever you got the pups from to let them know about this. And at 7 weeks they should still be with their mom and litter mates. Make sure you contact where the pups are from, as the other littermates may also have parvo.

By the way, you can get a garden sprayer and spray your yard with diluted bleach to kill the virus. Do this in your yard, side walks, patios, every where!

Good luck. I'm sorry I can't say anything that will make you more hopeful.
She has a chance, but you have a lot of work to do.
My lab puppy had parvo at 10 weeks old. My vet sent me home with an IV bag, which we used 1 time a day All we had to do was to give him 150cc's a day. Get a vet that will do this and show you how to do it as well. As long as you use a new needle each time, and ensure that the needle remains sterile, you are fine. Also, your vet should give you antibiotics. Make sure you continue the antibiotics even if she starts to feel better. My vet also gave us a medicine to help settle the stomach and slow down the vomiting.
Don't worry about your puppy eating any food right now. The important thing is to keep her hydrated. My vet suggested Gatorade and Pedialyte. If she won't drink herself, get a small syringe, and give it to her yourself. It is so important to keep fluids inside.
Make sure your puppy has a quiet place to rest. Parvo puppies like to sleep.
Another thing, BLEACH EVERYTHING that can not be thrown away. Throw away all her toys and buy new ones AFTER she recovers. Bleach her bedding, crate, and the floors. An extra boost is to also get an outdoor mat that holds a bit of water, and add Bleach to it so that as you go in and out of your house, you must step in the bleach. It helps kill the parvo. You track parvo on your shoes.
If after 2-3 days, your at home IV and antibiotics are NOT working, promptly RETURN to your vet. Your vet can offer IN HOSPITAL treatment at their clinic. There they will give your puppy a CONSTANT IV like we receive in the hospital.
My lab had to do both. He survived. It takes work and prayer.
I truly hope your puppy makes it through.
Parvo does last a long time. We even made a bleach solution and sprayed our entire yard.
Usually after a dog has been exposed to parvo, it takes up to 10 days or so to show up. So Oliver needs to be kept away from Emma as much as possible. Ask your vet about additional protection for him.
If you have any more questions, please feel free to email me. I don't mind at all.
hi my dog had parvo as a puppy she had it really bad i took her home and hoped for the best . the vet that i took her to that i now work at told me to give here baby foor water and pedilight throw a srying. i would bo the water and pedilight every 30 to 45 mins the baby food every 2 to 4 hours it saved my puppy and i hope can save yours the chances are high for the other one getting it well if you need help email me
parvo is simple. theres usually around the 80-85% chance which i know you said you dont want to hear- BUT the reason i mentioned it anyway is the remaining 15-20% that do not make it are the ones that waited too long for treatment, or just will not make it no matter what you or any vet did. im a distributor of ambertech, i have had dogs with parvo, and helped people recover their dogs from home. i do not like vets, i dont trust the majority of them, but honestly you did a good thing for your dog and chances are good it will make it!

you can give her brother a little echinacea to boost his immune system to hopefully keep him from getting it, or you can order parvaid which has an 85% success rate in prevention and recovery!

for your home- the obvious bleach, but for the unbleachables you can order parvosol from (i havent ordered from them in several months but im sure they still carry it) its a virucide and will kill the parvo as well as bleach. its just a little more expensive!

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