Monday, May 24, 2010

My puppy is 15 days old with only one eye open, and the unopen eye looks sunken. Is this normal?

From the sound of your question, NO
Take the puppy to the vet and have it examined. Do Not try and open the eye yourself. Or you can injure the puppy or cause a serious infection. The fact is sometimes pups are born with defects. It my never affect the dog to only have one eye in life but if something were to happen to its good eye then you have a blind dog. And dogs get alone just darn fine being blind.
Unless there is some other serious underling problem with the pup in general, and your vet can let you know, then let nature take its course.
maybe a trip to the vets but first... try some warmed water and bathe your pups eyes, or warmed cows milk and bathe them... if its still not open deffo the vets as it could leave your dog blind. good luck
Go straight to the vet. The eyes should have both opened within the 10 to 14 day period. The eye that is shut could be harbouring an infection. This eye will have to be opened and drained by your vet.
No its not normal,
if the eyelid remains shut that pup will be blind in that eye,
I use to raise rabbits and if the eyelids did not open when they were supposed to I would take olive oil and gently rub it on the eyelid and coax it open,
that puppy prob need some terimycin antibiotic ointment for eyes right away, call you vet,
best of luck,Debbie
wow...really young dog
you should wait until it's about a month old
normally, people dont sell puppies until they are three months (when the somewhat develop and can live without their mom)
dont worry
if it still is like that after a month
go to the vet
15 days is not an unusual length of time for the eye to open. It will probably open in the next couple of days. I had a chihuahua pup born and the eye socket appeared to be sunk in like you said and it didn't open until almost 3 weeks, but the eye was fine.

1 comment:

  1. why my pomerian puppies one open the eyes but there are not open eyes at all 15 days finish
