Monday, May 24, 2010

My puppy has hookworms and i just found out and the vet is closed . is it correctible?

Hookworms are treatable, and the puppy should be fine until the vet opens back up. It is just an intestinal parasite, and is not deadly unless they are left for a long time (they can cause weight loss and anemia).
petsmart carries the remedy for this. just weigh your dog so you can give him the proper dosage.
Common and correctible. Just make an appointment with the vet for next week and have your puppy dewormed.
If you haven't taken the dog to the vet yet, how do you know it has hookworms?

Most worms, like hookworms, are easily treated with medication (like Drontal) from the vet's office.

Take a fecal (poop) sample to the vet along with your dog. The vet can check to make sure that hookworms are the only parasites your dog may dealing with.
Look for a product made by Farnam called triple wormer. Folloe the instructions, it works! Been using it for years! Or try

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