Friday, July 31, 2009

My male shih tzu has only 1 testicle?

My 3 month old male shih tzu only has one testicle. Is it possible that he really only has one or could the other one be up inside of him?
It's called a Cryptorchid testicle.

The other one has failed to descend - it's stuck in his abdomen. You should take him to the vet to discuss this. The most likely course of action is to have the undescended testicle removed. It's likely already started to deteriorate, and it could later become cancerous if it's left in.
Most likely it just didn't descend. It shouldn't effect breeding at all, but I would still suggest taking the question to a vet. :]
the other one is not descended yet.. it still may come down.. in either case,, neuter your pet at around 6 months... if it does not descend , the neutering operation will be more costly,, but still needs to be done... notify the breeder of this also,, as they will need this information for reference in future breedings of the two dogs that produced this pup.
my aunt's cat had the one he was missing inside of him.
go to your vet and have him check it out.
You should have him neutered so that's okay, just have the one that's still there cut off.
A young puppy may pull up one or both testicles when nervous of cold, but both testicles should be down by the time th puppy is mature. Your Shih Tzu cannot be shown if both testicles are not descended and should not be bred. If the other one is not descended by the age of six months, your dog should be neutered. this will involve an abdominal incision to remove the retained testicle. It is more expensive than a regular neuter but must be done as there is a greatly increased risk of cancer in a retained testicle.

Note...Cryptorchidism means retained testicle, not everyone knows what that means..but they do know what a retained testicle means . People and their big words lol.
it takes up to 8 months for them to drop completely he most like has two just ones a bit shy
It's called Cryptorchidism. The other testicle is there, it just hasn't dropped. The dog is still able to breed..meaning he's not sterile, but I would suggest having him neuterted as it is genetic and not something you want to pass on. I would also let the breeder know she has this in her lines if she doesn't know already.
Plus, I believe they are at higher risk for cancer.
A testis that does not descend, and a hernia where the testis descend are both caused by the same abnormality. This is probably the most common genetic defect there is, but it IS a genetic defect.
If your puppy is of breeding/show quality your breeder should be more than willing to replace the puppy. If it was sold to you as "pet quality", now you know why, but he should be neutered anyway.
Hello! You know what as a very devoted christian i will say in all things give thanks. Well i will suggest u see a vet but if it has just one i am very sure it will function like it has two .Gods works are so amazing
This is very common in small dogs.

It may still come down. My year old Chihuahhua did not have the second one come down until he was 5 months. If it's not down by 6 months he should for sure be neutered. There is a very high risk of cancer if one does not come down plus it can be passed on to any puppies so he should never be bred.

The neuter is more difficult as the vet has to go further in to find the testicle that has not come down. Hence it costs more, but for his own well being if it does not come down it has to be done.
Usually not ,if it hasnt fallen yet give it a little time, if it doesnt fall have him neutered if your not gonna breed him he doesnt need them.
he should be neutered either way
At 3 months, it is too early to tell if the other one will drop or not. Give it some time. If it hasn't dropped by 6 months, have him neutered. You should have him neutered even if the other one does drop unless you plan to breed him.

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