Friday, July 31, 2009

My male yorkie smells real bad, even a day after he is bathed. Any ideas why?

He is a real cute little dog, but we can't even let him on the furniture, or hold him.
how often do you wash him?
dogs shouldnt be washed more than once a week - if you do, it will cause the skin to excrete excess oils to make up for what they have lost, and this can smell.

also, he could have a skin infection or infected anal glands that need expressing, an ear infection (which can really smell).. or you need to check his diet - no human food!
could be his food
Probably really sweaty, or maybe he goes outside and rolls in something nasty.
take him to the vet %26 maybe the diet will have to be changed
All dogs have anal glads that fill with a smelly fluid. Sometimes the fluid needs to be expressed. Sounds like he needs his done. Call your vet or grommer to have this done. Dont try to do it your self it is a very smelly job. Its not expensive and he will smell lots better too.
Yeah, his diet could have something to do with it. Do you feed him wet food at all? Sometimes wet food can create very dirty teeth, hence smelly breath. You may consider a vet visit just to get a check up and rule some things out.
have his teeth check by you vet they might need to be cleaned. and dogs do not sweat except through the mouth and the bottom of the feet
He might need anal glands squeezed (nice!), an ear infection or skin problems - take him to the vet.
i would stop letting your dog watch porn or just get a cat
Bad odors can be a sign of infection. Most commonly it is a skin infection, ear infection, anal gland infection, or it can be their teeth. If they are in need of a dental cleaning, they have rotten breath and when they groom themselves they spread that rotten slobber all over making them rather stinky. Yorkies are notorious for having bad teeth so you may want to see if those choppers look shiny white or is there tartar buildup. Does he scoot his rear on the ground?? Could be anal glands. Is he itchy, oily, scabby, hair loss, or brittle hair? Could be skin infection. Does he shake his head and scratch at his ears? Could be an ear infection. Best thing to do is take him to a vet and let them get everything checked out. What does he eat? Diet has more to do with a pet's health than anything else.
Take him to the vet to express his anal glands...
And just FYI dont bathe your dog more than once every 2 weeks, he will lose his natural oils and dry out his skin.
Why haven't you taken him to the vet? that would be my first thought.
It is because of the germs. You may get this through :

kicking the dog
or when you put him outside a lot
or better yet find the right shampoo for him and always keep an eye on where he goes.Take real good care of him..NEVER EVER kick your dog...this might cause "smelly problems".if none of these works, u might need to ask your vet. Hope this works..Good luck!

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