Friday, July 31, 2009

My miniature schnauzer is very vocal...?

Is there a way to break his habit of barking? I wouldn't mind it sooo much but it's a high pitched, emotional, screech whenever I leave and the neighbors say he continues on for a while after I'm gone. I have a cocker spaniel as well who is with him all the time, but whenever I leave it's like he's saying, "Mommy, mommy, mommy!" He gets so upset. He's almost 2 years old. I don't want to use shock collars or anything what are my options?
try a collar that sprays citranella,when they bark,it is harmless when sprayed,they wont like the smell and when they bark it will give off a spray ,they will learn not to bark real quick,i have used it on my cockapoo,great can get it at the pet stores.
you obviously did not do your research before getting these breeds,,, they are notorious screecher/barkers,, do not attempt to use electric shock on them,, ridiculous and cruel,, try much more exercise before you leave and kennel them with a bone

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