Friday, July 31, 2009

My mom told me her dogs have parvo and asked me if my dog has had her Parvo shot?

What is parvo?? She had 1 shot at 7 weeks old, then another 4 weeks later, and she's due for her third one now. The shot record says Canine Parvovirus. My mom said she could die in 2 weeks if she hasn't had her shot. Since she's due for the third one what will happen? What are symptoms that I should look for? I don't know anything about this and I love my little puppy!
Check out This is a good, detailed article about parvo, symptoms, treatment, etc. Too much info to post here.
Tell your Vet if your puppy was exposed to her dogs or if they shared the same yard or space at anytime or if your mother or you handled the sick dogs and then your puppy.
Your Vet will advise you from there. Since she has had the first two sets she may be okay, but your Vet will give you the best advice based on all the info you give him or her.
Your kids couldn't get it from a dog. Your puppy, if it gets Parvo, will need to be cared for by a Vet because Parvo is a very serious disease that is fatal by a high percentage if the dog is not hospitalized.
If I were you I would get her to a vet as soon as possible. Here is some info about Parvo Virus...

Parvo virus causes severe intestinal tract disease in dogs. Parvo first appeared in 1978 and quickly spread all over the world, now being famous as one of the most contagious and deadly diseases in the dog population.

How Common Is Parvo?

Parvo virus is an epidemic worldwide, especially in metropolitan areas and regions where vaccination programs are sporadic.

What Are The Clinical Signs Of Parvo?

The classic symptoms of Parvo are severe vomiting and diarrhea (often with blood in it) along with extreme weakness and dehydration. Parvo literally destroys the lining of the GI tract, allowing bacteria to infect the bloodstream (a serious condition called septicemia). On those occasions when puppies (and sometimes adult dogs) die from Parvo it's usually due to the combined effects of dehydration, upset in the pH balance of the bloodstream, and septicemia. The symptoms of Parvo are remarkably similar to, and as serious as, those of people with radiation sickness (such as from nuclear fallout) with the difference being that recovery is usually complete (meaning with no lasting side effects) in those puppies who recover from Parvo. Although veterinary medicine has made tremendous progress in the treatment of Parvo in recent years and many puppies are being saved, Parvo should still be considered an extremely serious and often fatal disease.

How Is Parvo Diagnosed?

Parvo is diagnosed on the basis of patient history, clinical signs, and laboratory tests. The two common laboratory tests used to diagnose Parvo are (1) the fecal Parvo CITE test and (2) the Complete Blood Cell count (often called the CBC). Through the fecal Parvo CITE test we are looking directly for the presence of the virus in the patient's stool. Through the Complete Blood Cell count (CBC) we are looking at characteristic changes in the numbers of white blood cells which indicate a viral disease.

How Is Parvo Virus Transmitted?

Dogs acquire infection with Parvo virus by ingesting (meaning to swallow) the infectious virus particles. The Parvo virus is one of the hardiest viruses known to science and this virus can live outside the body in a dormant yet infectious state for one to two years. Puppies do not have to be in direct contact with other dogs to catch Parvo since the virus can be spread by people's clothing, shoes, and other inanimate surfaces, and can even travel on the dust in the air. A dog (or puppy) who is shedding the Parvo virus can defecate (go to the bathroom) on a surface and then a susceptible puppy can come by and sniff or lick this surface over a year later and can still catch Parvo.

How Is Parvo Treated?

As with the common cold virus in humans, we have no medication which works directly against the Parvo virus itself. Our therapy, therefore, is directed at providing as much supportive care as possible until the virus has 'run its course'. Parvo is usually treated by administering fluids, antibiotic injections, and medications designed to curb vomiting and diarrhea. In many cases, successful Parvo therapy requires around-the-clock intensive care hospitalization.

What Is The Prognosis For A Case Of Parvo?

The prognosis varies from case to case, with the prognosis always being at least guarded. Factors which generally affect the prognosis are (1) breed of dog (Dobermans, Rottweilers, and toy breed dogs have a harder time recovering); (2) age of the dog (young puppies have a harder time recovering than do older puppies and adults); (3) vaccination status (those dogs who have had at least some exposure to vaccine-no matter how inadequate-usually fair better; and (4) promptness of intensive care (those who receive fluids and medications immediately will fair better than those who don't).

How Is Parvo Prevented?

The best way to prevent Parvo is through adequate vaccination. Adequate vaccination begins before birth which means the mother dog should be current on her vaccinations at the time she gives birth because the puppy acquires its first immunity toward Parvo from the antibodies it receives from its mother (called Passive Transfer of immunity). Then its important that the puppy receive an initial vaccination against Parvo early in life, followed by the full series of puppy boosters. At Sun Lakes Animal Clinic we vaccinate puppies with a Parvo vaccine at 6 weeks followed by a booster at 9, 12, 15, and 18 weeks. Then the puppy (dog) should receive a booster once yearly thereafter. The main thing to remember in this regard is that the puppy series for Parvo is begun very early (usually around 6 weeks).

What Could Happen If The Puppy Does Not Receive Or Stay On This Vaccination Program?

It has been my experience with Parvo that if a good vaccination schedule is not adopted or adhered to then the puppy is at greatly increased risk of acquiring Parvo.

What Are Other Ways To Prevent The Spread Of Parvo?

Common disinfectants (such as Lysterine, Lysol, alcohol, etc) will not kill Parvo. The only two things which will kill Parvo outright are fire (burning contaminated blankets, newspapers, etc) and a dilute Clorox solution (1 part Clorox to 32 parts water).
No this will not spread to your kids. As long as you did not go to your Mom's house while her dog was sick or she come over while the dog was sick then you pup should be ok.

If, she did come over then or you went there then chances are that you have carried the virus into your house on your clothes and shoes. Try to remember what shoes you were wearing and Bleach the heck out of them, and any shoes your kids had on too. Disinfect your floors too.

I hope your pup doesn't get Parvo. But look for signs of lethargy, loss of appetite, disinterest in play or even water, fever, vomiting and severe watery diarrhea.
If your dog has had teh canine parvovirus shots then your dog should be fine. they come in a set called DHLPP which is for distemper, hepatitis, leptospirosis, parainfluenza, parvovirus. They should of also recieved their corona shot at the 7 weeks old, and also at 11 weeks old. you do have the shots up to date. another set of the dhlpp and corona is due between the ages of 15 to 16 weeks old.
The distemper is an airborn viral disease of the lungs, intestines. and brain
The hepititas is a viral disease of the liver
The Leptospirosis is a bacterial disease of the intestines
The Parainfluenza is an infection bronchitiis
Th PARAVIRUS is a viral disease of the intestines.
The Rabies is a viral disease fatal to humans and other animals.
Corona is a viral disease of the intestines
Bordetella is a bacterial infection (kennel cough)
After the shots she is due now she will have to have rabies shot done at 4 months old and repeat every year
Then 7 to9 months first heartworm test.
Then adult dogs need the dhlpp yearly, heartworm test yearly, rabies every 3 years after the second rabies shot, and bordetella yearly.
I hope this helped you out.
As long as your pup has had its shots on schedule she should be fine. Thats what the shots are for to cover the prevention.
people vaccinate their dogs too much. if its had one or two it will be fine. even if it did by some chance catch it- as long as youre diligent with care parvo is a piece of cake. slip your pup some echinacea or colostrum to boost its immune system just in case. you can get those at walmart, and healthfood stores

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