Friday, July 31, 2009

My min pin wont stop peeing in the house?

Can someone please tell me how to get my min pin who is 3 months old to stop peeing in the house. I have puppy pads for him and have tried the litter box but they aren't working, I also let him outside frequently during the day bu the still comes in and pees on either the carpet or cloths in the dirty laundry. I can handle most thinkg with a puppy but peeing and pooping on my floors is not one of them and I am at wits end, either he learns that my hose isn't a potty for him or I am going to give him away and I don't want to do that cause I love the little turd.
I have a 11 year old %26 4 month old. The best way is to cage train. The dog will probaly have a couple oopies but eventually get the picture not to do it where he sleeps. At night put him in the cage and while not supervised by you.I've been doing that with my puppy and it's working like a charm. The only thing is you have to let him out as soon as you open the cage so that they get the picture to releave outside. Also if you catch him starting to pee, hurry up and take him outside. when he goes praise him well with " good dog" and lots of petting. I tried puppy pads but that only encourages them to do it in the house. The only thing that puppy pads help is clean up. Most dogs are not fully potty trained till 8 months. They could even have accidents at 1year. Last but not least, the cage can not be too big. The dog must have enough room to stand, sit, and turn around. Too much room gives them space to do the dirty.
What you should be doing is training the little pud if you love her the way u claim to do. It is evident that she needs it,`and don't expect it to train herself, NO! You should be doing the training by conditioning it, associate her bad behavior with sth unpleasant and noisy(there are many ways) that is when you see it pee or poop in the house and when you take her out and she pees or poops reward her by giving it a treat, its all about training. Train it, make it learn, reward or "punish" it for its actions.
i would consult a dog training book and stick to it religiously. If you're still having problems, consult a trainer.
i had the same problem with mine but when i took him out he went to the bathroom but when i leave him alone yes i know that he was alone most of the day so i can expect this but ,i just tired of it he use to use to go number 2 in his place where i kept him and he get it all over him i finally gave him away,but he was a good dog he was still puppy,maybe try a doggie care class.
Like most new borns, they will go a few minutes after they drink or eat.

Develop a routine. Every time after he eats or drink, wait a few minutes and take him where you want him to do it. If necessary use a leash. Stay with him until he is done, then bring him inside. Praise him when he do it right, tell him NO strongly when he do it in the wrong place.

If necessary remove the food and water.

A 3 mo puppy might need 3 or 4 small meals a day so expect the same a mount of poop. As they grow up the time between bathroom breaks will get longer.

Remember always praise them when they do it were you want them to go. They will associate this and will learn to do it there to be praised.

Good luck with your new puppy.
I have a min/pin mix %26 she always went in the house until I crated her. After crating her, she was housebroken within a week %26 she is now trained to go on the puppy pads when shes inside and outside when she is out.


  1. I have a 4 year old min pin who has never been caged. He still pees on the bed, mostly in the winter because it is too cold for him to go out and get his exercise, but it is still annoying. He has never been caged so I think it is too late for that, any ideas or sprays, etc. Thanks

  2. I have a 3 year old female min pin and a 2 year old male and I still have problems with them going in the house. They used to not be so bad but then we moved into a house with carpet and they are constantly going inside now. I take their food and water up at the same time every night and I even put them out once or twice before bed but they are still having problems. Exspecially my female. They do go potty outside but still in the house also. We've tried secluding them to the bathroom when we leave and have tried all kinds of sprays and cleaners and have even gotten them fixed. My female does use potty pads but will also run into another room when noones looking and do her buisness. My husband and I are at our wits end and fight about it constantly. Is there anything that will work? Classes? Getting rid of them is not an option. Please help
