Friday, July 31, 2009

My mum takes my puppy (chi hua hua x pomeranian) to work everyday. Will he get used to home and work?

Yes, he will. It depends a little bit from your puppy, to tell all the truth. If it's friendly and equilibrated, seeing more people and "live" in two place could even help him, 'cause he will learn to stay in places full of people and will be not "afraid of strangers". I've a dog who stays a lot both at home, both at office, and he learned to be cuddled and cared from strangers as his own owner.. even I never leave it alone, i could keep him walking around the office, and he will sit quietly near the clients asking for attentions.

So, your dog will grow cheerful anyways ^^
I don't know bout everyday, but my Jack Russell comes to work with me periodically and he seems to be fine with it he loves the extra attention and still reacts like he would at going to the nearest door when he needs to potty and coming to me when I call him. But your question is kinda vague...use to what at work and home? or are you wondering if it will be come confused?
He will be happy to go with her anywhere now cause she is socializing him and that is good for the dog . he will get used to other people this way and he will know both places. it is good for the dog.
Your mom has a great idea. Your dog will become more socialized and accepting of strangers if she gets to see them often.
Excellent way to better socialize the puppy!!! I cannot stress this enough to people. Exposing them to different people and places will make him a much better dog and happier too!

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