Wednesday, July 29, 2009

My german shepherd puppy's tongue is cut from the front but it could still be attached so what should i do?

If you have to ask this question, you should not be a dog owner. Take the dog to a vet now!
just leave it, it will heal thats wat happen to my cocker spaniel when it got into a fight with an other dog we just kept adding water to it everday
That sounds really serious. Take him to a vet now.
Take it the Vet ASAP!!
take him to an emergency vet asap...this is too serious for ! i can think of ways to handle just about any injury if a vet isnt available, and i have had to...but i cant think of one thing in this case.
Get off the computer, in the car and see a vet. Be sure and take the dog...
take it to the vet!!
Please replace the words: "german shepherd puppy" with": "9 month old baby girl ", and see how this question sounds in your brain.
Would you really be typing this question on , or racing you child to the emergency room?
If it's a matter of trying to save money, you should not be a parent of a puppy or a baby.
I suggest you visit and consult a vet for free
The only right thing to do, is to take it to the vet, and have it checked, and treated.

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