Wednesday, July 29, 2009

My friend's dog died?

My friend's dog died and he never really "moved on" sure he's getting a new dog but it's "not the same" does anyone have any tips for me to make him feel better?
Look up the poem "Rainbow Bridge"'s always made me cry, but it's a good cry...about our animal friends who cross over...

Your friend will be's natural to be upset for a while, but when he gets the new dog he'll be so involved with it, that some of the sadness for his loss will begin to go away...after a while, all that will be left is fond memories of the companion that had done his job on this earth and moved on...
IMHO, the fact he's gotten a new dog means he's moved on. Yes, it's not the same, but in caring for the new dog, he'll be able to focus on that pet, and not the one he lost.
Only time will heal his lost
There's not much you can do. Time will only allow the healing process. You can remind him occasionally of good times he had with his old dog.. but don't push it. Just give him time and space, and he'll eventually be better. I know he'll never fully get over it, but I know things will get better.
its hard, just say that your sorry for the loss and tell him about how u felt of his dog, there is nothing more to do

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