Wednesday, July 29, 2009

My german shepherd has thrown up 3 times in the past 20 minutes?

He has never been a puker (aside from when he was very young) He seems to be acting normal, regular energy.. (though hasnt been his usual hungry self lately) The first two pukes where about a days worth of food, some leaves.. and a sandy texture with alot of water around the bottom. this last one was watery with a whitish , brownish film. (like cappaccino) He hasnt been overheated, or had too much water.
I havent had much experience with him being sick.. sometimes when he eats too fast... Should I be very concerned with this? is there something else I should look for before going to an emergency vet at 4 am?
dont give him anything to eat for 24 hours just let him drink water so he does,nt dehyderate, then if has,nt been sick again start giving him cooked pasta and boiled chicken small amounts and often maybe 2 or 3 times a day for a couple of days, and then gradually give him his normal food if he hes not been sick agian. He probably has got a upset tummy and been eating grass to make himself sick . I have a big german shepherd myself ,5 years old , its well known for the breed to suffer tummy problems , if sickness still going on in 24 hours consult vets .dont forget to to always put food bowl at about chest high for him to eat as they could get a serios stomach condition which can kill .good luck.
Call the emergency hospital first and tell them what's going on. They will advice you as to what to do. It's sound like he may have gotten into something. Just call them, better to be safe, rather than sorry. Hope he feels better soon...
Hi Krashens, You dog sounds like he has PRAVO.. This is a killer disease and needs to be treated as soon as you notice anything not right. Pull the skin on back of his neck. If it go's down really slow he need to go to the emerency vet A.S.A.P. IF YOU WANT TO SAVE YOUR COMPANION..
A Friend.
usually i would say not to worry but when i read about the puking with the whittish/brownish colored film i might say just wait and have him checked out in the morning. if he gets any worse then i would say make your trip asap. he may have found something in the yard to eat that he wouldn't naormally or maybe a neighbor or something has thrown out some scraps he could get to. like i said though if he gets worse definetly get in the car and go but if not then just wait until a decent hour and get him checked out
Check his gums they should be pink and not tacky. If either definately get him to the vet right away that means he's dehydrated.
I'd wait till morning to go to the vet but don't let him eat anything until you can get there just to be safe.
Out of curiosity are there any walnut or other trees in your yard?
Walnuts are particularly toxic to dogs.But several other plants and trees are as well.So take mental note of everything in your yard to tell the vet.You may have something poisonous growing and not realize it.

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